TV: Hailey's On It

Asian American mom and pizza shop owner Sunny

The new Disney animated show Hailey’s On It premiered June 8 on The Disney Channel and is available June 9 on Disney+. The show stars Auli’i Cravalho as Hailey and Manny Jacinto as her best friend, Scott. Joy play’s Scott’s mom and owner of the pizza place U.F. Dough, Sunny:

[from IMDb]

Hailey Banks, a risk-averse but resourceful teenager on a mission to complete every item on her long list of challenging (and sometimes impractical) tasks in order to save the world. Hailey will be pushed outside her comfort zone to discover the greatness within as she systematically conquers her fears, whether she is winning a sand-building competition, wrestling a honey badger, eating a raw onion, or facing her ever-growing and complicated feelings toward her best friend, Scott.

Hailey and Scott with a Top Secret box

TV: The Corps

Joy has joined the cast of The Corps, based on the memoir The Pink Marine by Greg Cope White.

From Set in 1990, The Corps is about Cameron, a bullied, gay high school student who joins the Marine Corps with his straight best friend, Ray — a dangerous move when being gay in the military meant jail time or worse. As these two friends plunge into Marine Corps boot camp, where the landmines are both literal and metaphorical, they join a platoon of young men on a harrowing journey of transformation.